OOPM Practical Exam List
1.Write a program to find reverse of numbers
entered through command line.
2.Write a program to check whether a given
number is Armstrong number using command line input.
3.Write a program to generate prime numbers
up to N. Accept N from user.
4. Write a program to find Nth Fibonacci
numbers using a constructor.
5. Write a program to find area of a
circle, area of rectangle and area of triangle using overloaded constructor
6. Write a program to find the sum and
average of a list of ‘n’ numbers in a single dimension
7. Write a program to arrange a list of n
numbers in ascending order.
8. Write a program to find the largest
element of each row of given matrix of order m*n.
9. Write a program to find the sum of the
elements on both the diagonals
of the square matrix of order ‘n * n’.
10. Write a program to check power of a
number using recursion.
11. Write a program to check whether string
is palindrome
12. Write a program that accepts a shopping list of 5 items from
user and stores them in a vector?
functions for the following:
To add an
item at a specified location in the list.
To remove
an item from the list.
To print
the contents of the vector.
13. Write a program to implement multiple
catch statements.
Write a program for achieving single inheritance?
15. Write a program to achieve multilevel inheritance
16. Write a program to multiple inheritance by using interface
17. Write a program to demonstrate function overriding?
18. Write an applet to program show following
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