Wednesday 9 October 2013

Program to %7 and odd

//Program to %7 and odd
//Program by Ahlam Ansari

class OddDiv7
    public static void main(String ahlam[])
        int num=Integer.parseInt(ahlam[0]);   
        boolean varOdd=(num%2!=0)?true:false;
        boolean varDiv7=(num%7==0)?true:false;
        String s=(varOdd==true && varDiv7==true)?"Both":(varOdd==true?"Only odd":(varDiv7==true?"Div7":"None"));
        System.out.println(num+" is " + s);
        //System.out.println(varOdd+" \n"+varDiv7);

C:\Users\Ahlam\Google Drive\My Lectures\Fall\OOPM\Programs>javac

C:\Users\Ahlam\Google Drive\My Lectures\Fall\OOPM\Programs>java OddDiv7 21
21 is Both

C:\Users\Ahlam\Google Drive\My Lectures\Fall\OOPM\Programs>java OddDiv7 17
17 is Only odd

C:\Users\Ahlam\Google Drive\My Lectures\Fall\OOPM\Programs>java OddDiv7 14
14 is Div7

C:\Users\Ahlam\Google Drive\My Lectures\Fall\OOPM\Programs>java OddDiv7 24
24 is None

C:\Users\Ahlam\Google Drive\My Lectures\Fall\OOPM\Programs>

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